Customization of a 3D model


In this article, we will guide you on how to set up customization options for your clients.

In the example above, the different colors are accessible from a single 3D model.

Preparing the 3D object

For Visuality to access the different colors of your object, they must be defined during the modeling of the object.

The different variants must be specified according to the "Materials variants" standard of the GLB/GLF format..

The standard is described at this address.

Most modeling software supports this notion of variants such as Blender where 3ds Max

Importing the object

Once the object is imported, return to its edit page. If the variants have been properly defined, you will find them in the interface. There are 3 in the example below:

You will find on the left the original name of the variant as defined in your 3D modeling software, and you therefore have the option to customize it in order to control what is displayed to your clients..

Once saved, your clients will have access to your customization variants in 3D view and augmented reality view!

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