Using the Android Visuality app


Au delà de notre visionneuse web, vous disposez d'une application Android pour un fonctionnement hors-ligne ou des performances optimisés sur les gros objets 3Ds.

App installation

You can download the app via the link below

Visuality application to use augmented reality on the Playstore

Accessing the object

After adding your 3D object to the library, click on the "View/Share" button.

Launch the application once installed and enter the PIN code associated with your 3D object. You can also use the direct link provided on your object's sharing page.

...And that's it! Once the PIN code is validated, you can view your object! It is now accessible offline by entering the same PIN code or by reusing the direct link when you don't have an Internet connection.

Vous avez la possibilité de générer un QRcode du lien d'accès direct afin de le partager facilement à d'autres personnes ayant l'application.

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